Your Legacy Gift

Your kindness and generosity will have a lasting impact for generations to come.

Care for all animals

Your gift will ensure that the ISPCA will always be there to protect Ireland’s most vulnerable animals.

Leaving a gift in your Will to the ISPCA is a wonderful way to celebrate your lifelong love of animals and the unconditional love and companionship they have given you.

By making a Will, you know that those you care about will be looked after and gives peace of mind knowing that your wishes for your loved ones, friends and family will be respected.

If you are an animal lover and care deeply about the welfare of all animals, then leaving a legacy gift to the ISPCA is a great way for you to continue to help save and protect animals for years to come. If you believe every animal deserves to live a life free from cruelty, neglect and abuse, please consider us when making your Will.

The kindness and generosity of you leaving a legacy to the ISPCA is a life-changing often life-saving gift to the hundreds of animals that we rescue, rehabilitate and rehome throughout Ireland each year, now, and well into the future.

How it works

To get started, all you need to do is spend some time making a list of everything that you own as well as estimating the value of each asset or belonging. Then reflect and make a list of those you need to take care of or would like to leave a gift to. Please don’t forget to consider the care of your beloved pet(s)! And, if family or friends are unable to care for your pet, you can join our HomeForever programme and we will care for and find loving new homes for them.

It’s that simple – you are now ready to use our Free Online Will Writing service or make an appointment to see a solicitor. The ISPCA’s Free Online Will Writing service can be used to make a Will for the first time or to amend an existing one. It’s available at no cost to ISPCA supporters and with no obligation to donate. You can access our Free Online Will Writing service by clicking on the button below – you’ll also find lots of useful information and guides.

The different types of legacy gifts explained

Pecuniary Gift – this is a gift of a specific amount of money in your Will. Any gift amount, small or large, is extremely valuable in helping to ensure that the ISPCA can continue to build a better future for neglected and cruelly treated animals.

Residuary Gift – this is what is remaining of the assets in your estate once you have looked after your family and loved ones, fulfilled all promises to other beneficiaries and any debts are paid.  By generously leaving any residual in your estate to the ISPCA, you are helping provide vital funds to support our work.

Specific Item – this is a gift of a specific item and can be stocks, shares, property, jewellery or artwork, proceeds of a life insurance policy or any other item of value that can be used to help raise funds for the ISPCA.

Codicil to a Will – this is an addition to an existing Will. If you have already made your Will and now decide that you would like to leave a gift to the ISPCA, you can make a codicil or an addition to your original will. This can be done using our Free Online Will Writing service or by a solicitor. Like a Will, it is also signed with a witness present before being added as a permanent part of your Will.

Even leaving a small percentage of the overall value of your estate to the ISPCA will greatly help in future years.


Once all personal decisions have been made, if you do decide to leave a legacy gift to the ISPCA in your Will, whether large or small, your generous gift will mean you’ll be helping to save and protect the welfare of animals in the years to come. Even gifting a small percentage of the overall value of your estate to the ISPCA will make a big difference.

What your legacy gift can do
will provide for urgent life-saving veterinary care to treat an injured animal suffering from neglect or abuse and now in our care.
would fully kit out and equip a cattery facility including access to a secure external recreation and exercise area.
would help to build an all-weather secure dog exercise area.
would help develop an enclosed sand arena to safely rehabilitate, train and exercise rescued horses, ponies and donkeys.
would fund our National Animal Cruelty Helpline for one year. Each year our Helpline receives thousands of calls from concerned members of the public.
would help the ISPCA appoint a new Animal Welfare Inspector to cover one to two new counties for a year to include wages, a vehicle, uniform, etc.
would fund a new kennel block at one of our centres allowing us to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome hundreds more dogs for decades to come.

We’d love to hear from you

Please know that your privacy is of utmost importance and we promise to answer any questions and keep all information confidential. We’d also like to arrange for you to visit one of our Rescue Centres so that you can see first hand the impact your compassion and love for animals will have. Please get in touch with Joana Ramalho at +353 (0) 87 994 6487 or email [email protected]

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