Governance and Transparency

Accountability and openness
Ensuring Accountability and Transparency

The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a charity that relies on public support and donations. We place great importance on governance and transparency in all our operations. 

The ISPCA Board of Directors is made up of experienced professionals from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that the organisation is managed efficiently and provide strategic guidance and oversight to the organisation’s management team. The ISPCA’s financial statements are audited annually, which shows you how the ISPCA raises funds and how we use those funds effectively.

The ISPCA also has a strong ethical code of conduct that governs the behaviour of its staff, volunteers, and supporters. By maintaining a culture of transparency and accountability, the ISPCA can continue to build trust with the public and make a positive impact on animal welfare in Ireland.


ISPCA Strategic Framework 2023 – 2027

The ISPCA’s Strategic Framework highlights our objectives.


It includes our New Strategy Context and our Mission, Vision and Values.

Corporate Information

ISPCA Board of Directors

Members of the ISPCA Board of Directors as follows:

Pete Wedderburn (Chairperson), Barbara Bent, Carmel Rooney, Colman Burke, Jillian Brennan, Kevin Cunningham, Marion Fitzgibbon and Tracey Long.

ISPCA and An Cumann Éireann um FhoÍrithint an Ainmhithe are the registered business names of the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a company limited by guarantee, registered in Ireland with the company number 460571. The ISPCA is a registered charity CHY 5619

Charities Regulatory Authority

The ISPCA is fully compliant with the CRA’s Governance Code. The ISPCA is registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA) Registered Charity Number 20008734.

Registered Office Address

ISPCA Head Office, National Animal Centre, Derryglogher, Keenagh, Co. Longford, Ireland, N39 X257

We make this commitment to you.

Our Promise

  • Provide information about our work
  • Ensure confidentiality and provide you with a choice as to whether you wish to receive further information from us
  • Provide you with information on how the ISPCA raises funds and how we use those funds
  • Be accountable and transparent
  • Provide clarity and assurances to donors and prospective donors about how the ISPCA is run
  • Comply with the Charities Regulatory Authority’s mandatory Governance Code and all other relevant legislation


ISPCA Code of Conduct

The Board in association with Member Affiliates have recently updated the ISPCA Code of Conduct, available for download here.



The ISPCA fully complies with the Charity Regulatory Authority’s Fundraising Guidelines.

The ISPCA adheres with Charities Institute Ireland Codes of Practice on Fundraising as follows:

Fundraising Codes of Good Practice

The ISPCA acknowledges the annual funding received from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)