Protecting animals from pain and suffering
By donating to the ISPCA, you are helping to protect animals from the pain and suffering caused when they are abandoned, abused or neglected. Your kindness and compassion helps to fund a team of nine ISPCA Animal Welfare Inspectors, a confidential National Animal Cruelty Helpline, and five animal rescue centres across Ireland that provide safe shelter and loving care from expert Animal Carers to heal their physical and emotional hurt before rehoming.
Your support also helps the ISPCA to advocate on behalf of all animals, guiding everyone to love, respect and be kind to animals. With you by our side, we can create a world where more animals are loved, respected, protected and treated with kindness.
Help provide a balanced diet to aid a full recovery and a healthy new start in life.
Complete Care
Help supply food, bedding and training for a rescued animal.
Rescue Response
Help ISPCA Inspectors reach more abandoned, abused or neglected animals in desperate need of rescue.
Full Health Plan
Help provide all the vaccinations and microchipping.

Where does your money go?
On average, for every euro that the ISPCA spends, 80% of all contributions go directly to fund the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of abandoned, abused or neglected animals. Of this, 34% is spent on directly operating four rescue Centres where vulnerable animals are given the love and expert care they need to make a full recovery. 26% funds our National Animal Welfare Inspectorate services which includes a team of nine Animal Welfare Inspectors and a National Animal Cruelty Helpline. The ISPCA also operates four Dog Warden Services accounting for a further 20% of expenditure. Financial, Administration, and HR services account for 13% and finally, 7% is spent on fundraising activities and campaigns to help generate income to secure the future of the ISPCA. Your compassion and generosity is what supports the ISPCA in our mission to make sure all animals have the best chance of living free from cruelty, neglect and harm.
We understand how important it is that you know where your kind donations are being spent and promise to always share that with you. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this with us, please get in contact with us at [email protected].