Apollo is flying in his new home

A cheeky chap, he is shining in the ring and in the field!

Apollo was adopted over three years ago by Vicki and his life has only gotten more exciting! Vicki sent in this lovely update of him and his time with her:

“I recused Apollo almost 3 years ago and we’ve been working hard ever since to get ready for the show ring. We tried to make a start last March but with all the lockdowns we only got one day out!

This year I decided to try some showing and working hunter and we’ve had great success. We’ve received a first, fourth and a second – I really can’t believe how far he has come and the fact he is a rescue makes it all even more worthwhile. Everyone makes such lovely comments about him every time we’re out and it makes me so proud.

Outside of work Apollo loves his time in the field; rolling and having a snooze! That’s when he’s not trying to get sneaky mouthfuls of hay or inspecting every bucket in the yard to make sure there are no leftover nuts!

He also loves getting a groom, not just from me but from any other willing horse and is a real cheeky chap! He has turned into a fantastic all-rounder, I have so much fun with him and couldn’t love him more!”

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