
Good morning, we lost our dog Nyx (Nyxie) on Sunday afternoon. She is a female black Lurcher with white chest; middle height (at knee height). She is young, over 1 year old. She was on the lead, pulled and escaped from her martingale collar. She is microchipped and registered. We were at St Finian’s church at 24 Adelaide Road Dublin 2 when she escaped. She ran away towards St Stephen’s Park, she was seen entering the park. We looked through the bushes and trees, no luck. We informed the park ranger. Apparently, she was seen going towards Camden street, so we looked around too but no luck. We went until the park next to Christchurch, no luck. We gave our details to Kevin Street Garda Station and also Pearse Street Garda Station (Laetitia’s details).
We put messages on social media. People reported a black Lurcher at Heuston Station, so we went there and left our details (Laetitia’s details). We went until Platform 10, Laetitia has been informed that a black Lurcher went until Fonthill, 2 people from the railway tried to catch but without success. We went to Fonthill train station but it was not attended, so we couldn’t speak to anyone there.

Contact: Daniel Tiedemann & Laetitia Hyver
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 851021763

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April 15, 2024

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