Every year the ISPCA receive reports that sheep have been injured or killed, ewes miscarrying their lambs, due to being chased and attacked by uncontrolled dogs. This causes horrendous stress and financial loss not only to sheep farmers, but it is also a serious animal welfare concern too.
Tristan Blundell, ISPCA Dog Warden Service Manager said: “We want to reiterate to dog owners that there is an easy way to prevent these attacks, simply always keep your dog(s) under control and on a lead when in public, and to be extra vigilant around livestock. The aftermath of dog attacks can be horrific – sheep with bites to their face, legs, or ears and throat ripped open. Heavily pregnant ewes can abort their lambs as they try to escape when chased by dogs, and the stress of newly born lambs becoming separated from their mother at a critical early stage, can die from starvation or hypothermia, if not quickly reunited”.
Tristan added: “Under the Control of Dogs Act, dog owners can be prosecuted and held financially liable for any damage caused to sheep or lambs. Leaving a dog unattended even for a brief period in an unsecured back garden could be a risk. This may seem innocent, but it can lead to even the calmest of dogs joining forces with other dogs and attacking sheep, causing severe harm and distress to vulnerable livestock. This is a serious animal welfare concern and causes a huge level of emotional stress and financial worry to sheep and livestock farmers around the country”.
The ISPCA is calling on all dog owners to be responsible and vigilant by keeping their dog(s) on a lead, not allowing them to roam freely in rural areas resulting in devastating consequences for both the animals and the owners involved. By keeping dogs securely under control to safeguard the welfare of sheep and their newborns, it will also prevent unnecessary animal suffering and a financial burden for everyone involved.
Dog Control:
• It is a legal requirement that all dogs are kept under “effectual control and accompanied at all times when in a public place”, all dogs be kept on a lead when you are in a public place and especially near livestock.
• Your dog must wear a dog collar/harness with your contact phone number, name and address attached on your dog’s ID Tag. Your dog must be microchipped with the owner’s current details on the microchipping database always kept up to date.
• If you own a dog, you must also have a valid, current dog licence, which can be purchased online at www.licences.ie or at your local Post Office. The current annual fee is €20 for an individual dog licence, which is valid for twelve months, or a lifetime dog licence fee is €140.
• Always respect local bylaws and restrictions that apply in public parks, beaches, uplands, waterways, and farms etc. Farmers often request that dogs are not brought onto their lands, particularly when sheep or other livestock are present.
• If any person other than a Dog Warden or Garda finds a stray dog they must (a) return the dog to owner if known, (b) deliver the dog to a Dog Warden, or (c) detain dog and give notice in writing (email), a description of dog, place where found, address where being kept to a Dog Warden or nearest Garda Station. Where any person has reasonable grounds for believing that a stray dog has worried or is about to worry livestock, such person may seize the dog and deliver dog to a Dog Warden.
Control of Dogs Regulations: https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/1998/si/442/made/en/print
Contact a Dog Warden near you: https://ispca.ie/dog-warden-info/
Control of Dogs Act: https://revisedacts.lawreform.ie/eli/1986/act/32/front/revised/en/html
Responsible Dog Ownership: https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/1a517-responsible-dog-ownership/
Section 2 Control of Dogs Act – Prohibition on keeping a dog without a licence: https://revisedacts.lawreform.ie/eli/1986/act/32/section/2/revised/en/html
Section 21 Control of Dogs Act – “Liability of owner for damage by a dog”: https://revisedacts.lawreform.ie/eli/1986/act/32/section/21/revised/en/html
IFA Protocol for farmers on Sheep Kills by Dogs: https://www.ifa.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/IFA-Protocol-for-farmers-to-follow-after-sheep-kills-by-dogs-Feb-2020.pdf
District Court Rules “Order 91” Control of Dogs: https://www.courts.ie/rules/control-dogs