ISPCA Campaigns and Advocacy

Addressing animal issues to the public

The ISPCA advocates each year around a number of animal welfare issues in Ireland and Europe.

Our campaigns look for legislative changes, public awareness and eduction, or donations to secure improved welfare conditions for companion, farm and wild animals.

Celebrating *75 Years of the ISPCA*

As we mark this significant milestone, we are thrilled to share with you 75 heart-warming happy tales from rescue to recovery.

ISPCA fundraising campaigns

Christmas Appeal 2024: Be Their Christmas Miracle
Your generosity rescues animals from cruelty and neglect and this Christmas will be twice as far
Book of Rescues: the Powerful Impact of Compassion on Animals in Need
Discover the life-changing impact your support has for animals on their journey to recovery and happiness.
Happy Tails Summer 2024 Newsletter
News of how your love for animals is fighting cruelty and saving lives across Ireland
Summer Appeal - A Story of Hope
Tia and Tamara are just two among many neglected and abused animals needing your help.
Love a Lurcher
Lurchers are more than just dogs; they are a testament to resilience, loyalty, and unconditional love.
National Animal Week
ISPCA launches β€˜Cruelty No More’ Campaign to mark Ireland’s First National Animal Week

Donate to the ISPCA

Every animal deserves love, care, and protection. Sadly, many animals suffer from neglect and cruelty, which is why the ISPCA is on a mission to improve their lives.