When Honey was rescued by the ISPCA, she was suffering from cat flu and a bad eye ulcer. Despite ongoing treatment, she continued to suffer repeated respiratory infections. As she grew, her breathing seemed to worsen. Something didn’t add up. Honey wasn’t acting like a normal little kitten.
It turns out that Honey had a rare congenital condition called Pectus Excavatum. Her sternum was misshapen and sunken into her chest. This put pressure on her little heart and lungs, so that she struggled to breathe normally. If left untreated, she would not survive.
With the help of many kind animal lovers, Honey has now undergone intricate lifesaving surgery to correct this deformity. This involved fitting an external splint to pull her sternum out to a normal position and to stop it from growing inwards.
Honey has had her procedure and is going to be alright.
Honey eating after her procedure.
Honey needed to stay just over a week in UCD’s Veterinary Hospital. Although the procedure went very well, her immune system was worryingly low and she was very weak. We were so relieved when got the great news that she was well enough to be moved from intensive care. She is now back in ISPCA care where she is purring and in great form.
She will need to wear the splint for at least 4 to 6 weeks and will also need follow up X-rays in our local vets, plenty of post-procedure rest and pain management. When ready, we will be looking for a loving new home for this brave little kitten.
We are so very grateful to everyone who was able to help with a kind donation. To find out more, get involved or kindly donate, please visit https://ispca.ie/donations/