This affectionate young collie cross called Brandy was suffering from an old untreated injury when rescued by one of our Animal Welfare Inspectors earlier this month.
Following x-rays, the Vet advised that his carpus (wrist joint) had been broken, most likely when he was still a pup. Poor Brandy’s fractured bone had fused in a fully flexed position forcing him to walk on his wrist rather than his foot. This contact with the ground left him with an open wound so that every step sent pain shooting through his body. Brandy’s injured front leg has now been amputated to relieve this constant pain and improve his quality of life.
This lovable, affectionate dog is recovering really well from his surgery. He is on antibiotics to keep him protected from infection whilst his wound heals as well as medication for pain relief. His surgery was expensive and he will need physio and training to help him learn to cope on three legs. With lots of love and attention, good food and warmth, this gorgeous young dog is an absolute bundle of joy who will soon be ready to be fostered.
Brandy’s new start is only possible because of the wonderful generosity of ISPCA supporters to help him through it all.
No animal deserves to suffer and miss out on the life they deserve. Our rescue centres will be full on Christmas Day, but with compassionate people like you by their side, the animals there can hope and dream of a loving home in the New Year. Until that happens they are safe at last because of our compassionate supporters.
There are many innocent animals like Brandy with no one to care for them. If you would like to help, please make a kind donation here @
For Brandy, and for all the other animals like him that wonderful ISPCA supporters give a new start to – thank you for always being there.